Soul Sketches Ebook
1982 - 1992
de Angela Fischlein
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This book shows the illustrated journey of an intense and committed inner search for identity over a time period of ten years. The drawings in "Soul Sketches" are sole "process work" that was not meant to produce beautiful images but to allow authentic content become visible.
"Senseless" - may our fantasies seem at the moment we are going beyond what we ever could have imagined. Do we let ourselves express the darkness? Do we fear the moment we become one with the insanity of life? What is there to lose if we follow the movement of the unknown within us? What may happen if we unlearned judging, - not just others but also ourselves?
The artist states that: "I have come to understand that my biggest potential can be accessed beyond the known parameters of what I have learned to be true, to be beautiful or acceptable and comfortable in my life. To meet the life stream of my soul meant to overcome the boundaries within my psyche, - over and over again. It is not something that I own now, but rather something that I continue to strive for.
Soul is something that nourishes me, Art is Soul become visible - to me."
"Senseless" - may our fantasies seem at the moment we are going beyond what we ever could have imagined. Do we let ourselves express the darkness? Do we fear the moment we become one with the insanity of life? What is there to lose if we follow the movement of the unknown within us? What may happen if we unlearned judging, - not just others but also ourselves?
The artist states that: "I have come to understand that my biggest potential can be accessed beyond the known parameters of what I have learned to be true, to be beautiful or acceptable and comfortable in my life. To meet the life stream of my soul meant to overcome the boundaries within my psyche, - over and over again. It is not something that I own now, but rather something that I continue to strive for.
Soul is something that nourishes me, Art is Soul become visible - to me."
Características y detalles
- Categoría principal: Libros de arte y fotografía
- Versión ebook de composición fija, 34 págs.
- Fecha de publicación: mar. 22, 2022
- Última modificación mar. 22, 2022
- Idioma English
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