In their words through their eyes by their hands Ebook
de Cid Palacio compiled info
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In February 2012, the ART for Cancer Foundation held a week long exhibit at Toronto City Hall with the goal of continuing to raise awareness of the power of the creative process as a healing force.
The art exhibit was a wonderful kaleidoscope of colour, texture, shapes, and images, each uniquely demonstrating the healing power of art. Many participants shared their personal stories, which brought a level of depth and meaning far beyond the aesthetics of the art.
There were so many incredible stories of courage and hope that the one week exhibit did not do them justice! This book is a collection of their stories- in their own words, and their art – through their eyes and by their hands.
The art exhibit was a wonderful kaleidoscope of colour, texture, shapes, and images, each uniquely demonstrating the healing power of art. Many participants shared their personal stories, which brought a level of depth and meaning far beyond the aesthetics of the art.
There were so many incredible stories of courage and hope that the one week exhibit did not do them justice! This book is a collection of their stories- in their own words, and their art – through their eyes and by their hands.
Características y detalles
- Categoría principal: ONG y recaudación de fondos
- Versión ebook de composición fija, 75 págs.
- Fecha de publicación: dic. 18, 2013
- Última modificación dic. 13, 2014
- Idioma English
- Palabras clave art and healing, cancer and art, art for cancer foundation
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