Unmistakably, Unapologetically, Unashamedly BLACK
One African American Man's Poetic Perspective
de James W. Falcon
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James Wayne Falcon was born, raised, and currently lives in Baltimore, Maryland. James is the product of strong, family-centered, African American values-based upbringing. The lessons he learned from his parents and brother would serve as the basis for many of James’ endeavors. Because verbal expression was so strongly encouraged in the Falcon home, James could not help but develop a passion for speaking and writing. James is the author of 20 publications covering topics from affirmation to relationships. James is a masterful storyteller, a powerful public speaker, and a captivating poet and spoken word artist. In 2013 James founded a collection of encouragement based projects gathered under a single heading called Encouragement Is Key through which he provides encouragement to individuals, to couples, and to leaders and teams. Wherever, whenever, and however encouragement can be conveyed, James is committed to using that method to help others.