Celebrating 35 Years of Art Collecting at Crowell and Moring
and Art + Artists: Portraits of Intent
de Carol Harrison
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Acerca del libro
Art + Artists: Portraits of Intent is an intriguing book of fine
art photographs of visual artists in the The District of
Columbia by Carol Harrison, taken over the last 35 years.
Included are such luminaries as Clark V Fox, Sam Gilliam, Yuriko
Yamaguchi, William Dunlap, David Driskell, Renee Stout,
visionaries, as Rockne Krebs, Joe Mills; masters as Lou Stovall,
William Christenberry, Kevin MacDonald; pioneers as William
Eggleston, and more in this vibrant collection of portraits.
It includes a brilliant firm history by Crowell and Moring's senior
partner, Kent Morrison, and an insightful essay by William F.
Stapp, former Curator of Photography at The National Portrait
Gallery, Washington, DC.
These portraits portray the artists with direct intent.
Características y detalles
- Categoría principal: Libros de arte y fotografía
- Categorías adicionales Fotografía artística
Características: Cuadrado pequeño, 18×18 cm
N.º de páginas: 88 - Fecha de publicación: oct. 23, 2014
- Idioma English
- Palabras clave Crowell and Moring, Sam Gilliam
Acerca del creador
MFA, Fine Art Photography, Portraiture. Studied with John Gossage, Advisors: Sam Gilliam, Claudia DeMonte, Anne Truitt; David C. Driskell. BS, School of Foreign Service, Georgetown University Université de Bourgogne Dijon, France St. Petersburg State Polytechnical University St. Petersburg, Russia Who's Who in American Art Who's Who of American Women Who's Who in the World Photographs purchased: The Virginia Museum of Fine Art, The Corcoran Gallery of Art, Crowell & Moring, Arnold & Porter, Virginia Power, National Strategy Information Center. Photographs in: Georgetown University, "Special Collections," The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Morris Museum, Ogden Museum of Southern Art, Polish History Museum, National Portrait Gallery, Mississippi Museum of Art, National Museum of Women in the Arts, A gold coin of Harrison's portrait of Jan Karski, The National Bank of Poland, 2014 2019 Day Eight Award for Service: Lifetime Achievement to the Arts