On The Road
Seven Decades Of Photos and Stories
de Lou Walter Wilson
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Acerca del libro
I was going to have someone else write an introduction to this book, but since I took the photos and experienced what I wrote about I decided that I am the best one to write a short introduction.
I have often heard that photos do not lie. I would oppose that statement and say pictures do sometimes lie or at least they do not tell the real or whole story. How can a photo captured at a shutter speed of 1/60 of a second or maybe 1/4000 of a second capture and explain what is going on? This is the premise of this book. I have over 50,000 photos in hard drives, 11,000 photos published on Facebook, 5,000 photos on the IndiaMike website and thousands more on other online sites. I have two photo books and twenty-three photo magazines. These all have little or no explanation of what is happening in the photo. So with this photo book it is more about the story than the photo. The photos are here as reference but the stories behind the photos are more important. Now, I realize the story I tell could be superficial and not what is really going on deep down. It may be I am culturally deficient about some countries, but the explanations I give along with the pictures are what I witnessed and experienced at the time.
The photos and stories are from Canada, USA, England, Germany, Belgium, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Iran, Afghanistan, India, Sri Lanka, Malaysia and Nepal, covering seven decades.
Características y detalles
- Categoría principal: Viajes
- Categorías adicionales Libros de arte y fotografía, Biografías y memorias
Características: Carta de EE. UU., 22×28 cm
N.º de páginas: 112 - Fecha de publicación: nov. 21, 2021
- Idioma English
- Palabras clave life, stories, Photos, LouWalterWilson, Stories
Acerca del creador
Lou Walter Wilson lives in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He grew up in Canada taking photos using his mother's Brownie camera from the time he was five years old. The Brownie has long been retired. Many Cameras and lenses were used to create the photo albums which sometimes span 7 decades. The film cameras used were Olympus, Pentax and digital cameras were Canon, Sony, Fuji, Nikon, Panasonic and Olympus I have photographed in USA, India, Turkey, Sri Lanka, Canada, Malaysia, Saudia Arabia, Lebanon, Syria, Greece, England Europe, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan & Nepal Look for Lou Instagram "louwalterwilsonphotos" and Lou Walter Wilson in Facebook and YouTube