
Susana Pocaterra

Mexico DF
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I was borned in Venezuela. I was raised in the Caracas valley sorrounded by it´s beautiful Avila mountain.
my love for painting started since I was a child. For me playing was painting dolls and it´s dresses. At school I was responsible for portraits of our great heroes: Simon bolivar, Cristobal Colon. I did the Mothers Day card invitation and such.
At 14th started a notebook with my favorite paintings. Also I incorporated my paintings and relevant pictures from magazines or special cards and memories.
In my 20´s I started making my canvas. Since then I have not stop. Lived in South Africa, New York. and also travel many parts of the world for entertainment or business. These cultures inspired me. Last I arrived in Mexico and fell in love with its vivid colors in culture, art, food and nature. I took lessons with a mexican paintor: Agustin Castro. Now I continue by my own and with my techniqe: Expresionism with a mixed of naif romanticism. My art & inner me is in many continents.

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