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<br> What exactly is a massage? It's any therapy that makes use of pressure to relax or manipulate the body. In the case of massage therapy, pressure is applied to various parts in the body. The goal of massage is to reduce the pain or alleviate it, increase blood flow and enhance flexibility in accordance with the primary goal. Therapeutic massage is when both the receiver and the practitioner are totally covered with oils. Usually, they are made from essential oils extracted from plants.<br><br> <br><br><br><br> <br><br><br> <br><br><br><br> <br><br> A light, relaxing massage employing a combination of body fluids and tinged by ligaments and mucilage is typically provided by a variety practitioners of massage. By mixing oil, the massage works the entire body, targeting the deeper tissues for benefits to the body. This massage helps to treat the entire body that are susceptible to stress and tension, such