
Aenea Kanaan

Ann Arbor, MI
Acerca de

Aenea Kanaan is a 22-year-old poet, artist, and storyteller based in Ann Arbor, Michigan. As a recent graduate from Syracuse University in New York, she uses her degree in Communication and Rhetorical Studies to build worlds through her imaginative writing and channel her deepest, most intimate feelings into art. With the opportunity to study abroad in Osaka, Japan during her time at Syracuse, she gained an even deeper reverence for other cultures, languages, and ways of life which influence how she sees the world. She believes that stories can be a bridge between people, a mirror in which we can see the humanity in one another. Gold is the first official release of her written work, though her love for writing started as young as nine years old when she wrote countless short stories inspired by her favorite books. To this day she is an avid reader, and also has a passion for singing and plant-based cooking.

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