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<br> The Rouleete is most well-known for its sports equipment that is unique that was frequently utilized by Belgian athletes during World War I. The name comes from two words, ete as well as florette. The literal translation of the word translates to loose handkerchief or loose cloth. It isn't clear from which source this word, 'Rouleete', was derived from. It does have an enchanting, distinctive feel.<br><br> <br><br><br><br> <br><br>A game of roulette played under Rouleete rules involves bets on the outcome of every spin and there is no change in the cards. While most games have straight bets, in which players bet on the initial number drawn, Rouleete roulette rules allows the placing of bets on each spin. This means that bets are made on the outcome of each spin and not the cards that are thrown into the middle of the table. Rules of Rouleete state that bets should be placed after or before the game as in baccarat.<br><br> <br><br><