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Rick Parker is widely known as the artist of "MTV's Beavis and Butt-Head Comic Book" and also drew the Introductory Pages of "Tales From The Crypt" and the graphic novel parodies, "Diary of a Stinky Dead Kid","Harry Potty and The Deathly Boring", "Breaking Down" (a Twilight Parody,), "Percy Jerkson and The Ovolactovegetarians", and "The Hunger Pains" for Papercutz. Rick also illustrates stories by legendary Cleveland autobiographical comics writer Harvey Pekar for The Pekar Project and SMITH MAGAZINE. Rick recently illustrated "Night of The Black Chrysanthemum" for SMITH's Next Door Neighbor Series by Michele Carlo.
Rick's full-color web comic "Deadboy" can be seen online at
To see more of this artist's artwork please Google Image Search "Rick Parker Art."