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Protecting people, especially residents in building apartments is a profession I have mastered over the years. As a security guard officer, I can attribute that job isn't easy and like any other profession, it depends on the individual. As for me I enjoy and respect my profession as I find it responsible for protecting other people's lives. Knowing people the assurance that there are in safety and feel secure gives me the courage and urge to continue with my profession. Normally there are morning and night shifts and luckily all my years in this profession I have worked during the daytime. I take this as a privilege because I value my sleep time during the night. So on daily basis am an early riser as I have to report to my job in the early morning hours. This is to pave for the other guard who worked the night shift.
I have been a security guard in various apartments in the city. Currently am situated blossoms by the park apartments located in Slim Barrack Rise in Buona Vista Estate.