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<br> Increase the light. Garages tend to be dark and dirty. Change the overhead light bulbs by installing a higher wattage light bulb. Wash the windows in the garage and clear the windows of any shelves or debris that's blocking the light.<br><br> <br><br><br><br> <br><br>Imagine a car dealership releasing a hundred units a month. It may surprise you to know how badly your car gets treated. Most true car enthusiast will either do the detailing themselves or have a specialist shop do it. These shops will often charge the same and use industrial grade products and not some bided out cheap wax from your dealer.<br><br> <br><br><br><br> <br><br>Always have the minimum required car tire pressure. This way it will not only help increase the life of your car tire, but most importantly it will enhance your car's overall performance and increase car mileage. Otherwise, will lead to premature cat ti<br><br>