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Listen to this story. Enjoy more audio and podcasts on iOS or Android. Your browser does not assist the <audio> component. Nearly twenty-five years in the past this newspaper called Germany the sick man of the euro. The combination of reunification, a sclerotic job market and slowing export demand all plagued the financial system, forcing unemployment into double digits. Then a sequence of reforms within the early 2000s ushered in a golden age. Germany became the envy of its peers. Not solely did the trains run on time however, with its world-beating engineering, the nation also stood out as an exporting powerhouse. However, whereas Germany has prospered, the world has saved on turning. As a outcome, Germany has once once more started to fall behind. Europe’s biggest financial system has gone from a development leader to a laggard. Between 2006 and 2017 it outperformed its large counterparts and saved temp