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<br> Blackjack's origins aren't known. However, many researchers agree that Blackjack most likely originated in the French casinos during the early 1700s. The French cards were also known to be called "Vingt-ets-Un," a term that means "twenty-one all together". These cards are most likely derived from Chemin de Fer, an ancient card game that was popular at that time.<br><br> <br><br><br><br> <br><br>The earliest evidence that Blackjack originated from France can be found during the apprenticeship period. As part of their daily activities, most apprentice jokers used this card game. During this period, gambling was illegal in France so most jokers remained at their blackjack tables. This led to an intense interest among these players in the game of gambling, which would eventually become Blackjack.<br><br> <br><br><br><br> <br><br>Blackjack is most often played at casinos, and it is commonly known as Blackjack. Players will face each oth