
Alan Mager

Gainesville, VA, USA
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I am a self-taught artist living in northern Virginia. Although I love drawing and all types of artistic expression, I enjoy working with oil paints the most.

I made my first attempt at painting with oils in 1977 and immediately fell in love with the fluid medium. Since then, I have painted in spurts, often experiencing long periods of inactivity. But once I was exposed to oil painting I have continued to think about painting almost constantly.

There is nothing more satisfying to me than a day spent in the studio. The work goes slowly, but I continue to work at it, and I am making progress. I have never had any formal art lessons. From books, and more recently the Internet, I have learned a lot. Mostly, however, I figure things out for myself, and this is the most rewarding part of the experience for me.

Libros por Alan Mager