
Dwight Holden

Santa Fe, NM
Acerca de

Physician/psychiatrist working with the geriatric population. Reside in beautiful Santa Fe, NM, where I can see mountains out every window and watch the vast ever changing high desert sky. Married to Ted Eudy in California in 2008 while it was still possible; dreaming of federal recognition of our marriage, so we can become part of "We the People".
In my 60's; too many years dedicated almost solely to work. But it finally dawned on me. Finiteness is inevitable, and it's time to travel while health and funds and opportunity allow.

In the last two years, we have journeyed to India, Bhutan, Spain, Italy, France, and most recently Kyoto, Japan, with domestic trips to follow favorite operas in New York, San Francisco, and Houston.

Having long admired and studied Japanese gardens, architecture, and floral design, Kyoto was a dream come true, arriving at the spectacular pinnacle of autumn color. I hope this book captures some of the beauty of the city and its lovely people.

Libros por Dwight Holden