
Christoph Keller

New York
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Christoph Keller, Swiss-born New York-based novelist, playwright and essayist, is the author of seven novels (three of them co-written with Heinrich Kuhn as Keller+Kuhn), five plays and numerous essays in German. In the U.S., his work has appeared in The Paris Review, Two Lines, The Means, Failbetter, WordsWithoutBorders, Gobshite Quarterly, Absinthe and Bomb. His bestselling autobio¬graphical novel The Best Dancer (S.Fischer, Frankfurt 2003) was awarded the 2004 Schiller-Prize and the 2006 Puchheimer Leserpreis and will be published in English in the U.S. in Fall 2008. „Lascaux on 22nd Street,“ shown at Art 101, is his second photography exhibition.

Libros por Christoph Keller