Rewilding the Human Spirit Ebook
Humans' Intrinsic Connection with their Natural World
de Amazilia Photography
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Nudity is important in this story because it strips away any masking of persona or confusion with the connection each person is making with the natural world where they are photographed. The absence of clothing also helps to prevent the images from becoming dated, because the theme of the book is timeless.
The 16 women appearing in the book are aged from 24-43, and while most are professional or semi-professional models, others are ordinary women who agreed to become a part of the project.
Originally conceived as a mix of both colour and monochrome images, this book contains only colour images; that is the world and people as our eyes, with their combination of cones and rods, see them. There is a companion volume which contains black and white images – entitled “Rewilding the Human Spirit – Naturally Nude in Nature.”
Características y detalles
- Categoría principal: Fotografía artística
- Categorías adicionales Libros de gran formato, Modelo/Modelado
- Versión ebook de composición fija, 128 págs.
- Fecha de publicación: oct. 10, 2019
- Última modificación abr. 14, 2021
- Idioma English
- Palabras clave nature, art, women, rewilding, nude, photography
Acerca del creador
Amazilia Photography is owned and operated by Paul Veron a British photographer, who focuses his work in three core areas of people photography – fine art nude, sensual nudes and nudes in nature. His principal focus has developed into nudes in the natural environment, where Paul is always trying to depict a sense of the deep-rooted, intrinsic connection between people and the natural world. He is an award-winning, internationally published photographer, who has exhibited work at juried international shows in Hamburg, Lisbon, London, Milan, and Seattle. With a growing interest in his work, Amazilia is now producing a restricted range of Limited Edition Signed Prints, aimed at serious art collectors, as well as continuing to combine his writing and photography skills through a series of monographs on Nudes in Nature. He holds Distinctions in both Foundation and Advanced Photography Diplomas.