I Love Flowers Ebook
de George Maliakal
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Though we all say we love flowers, I think, most of us hardly know about their importance in our lives. So, let us try to learn more about the beautiful flowers. Flowers are not just beautiful, they serve the humanity in a great way that it is difficult for us to believe. My Photo book, “I love Flowers” will certainly help you to learn more about flowers, and will inspire many to set up your own house garden filled with various types of flowers and may be that some people may take up ‘Floriculture’ and generate good income from this beautiful business!
Características y detalles
- Categoría principal: Decoración y jardinería
- Versión ebook de composición fija, 26 págs.
- Fecha de publicación: nov. 11, 2018
- Última modificación jul. 04, 2020
- Idioma English
- Palabras clave Flowers, beautiful, flowers help in reproduction
Acerca del creador
An engineer officer of the Indian Army, now enjoying a retired life, in my hometown. While serving in the army, I had the very rare opportunity, for being very closely associated with the execution of Naval Dry Dock Gates at Vizag. It was a unique project, which increased my confidence level in planning and execution and supervision. After my early retirement, I conceptualized, designed and setup a pharmaceutical company (McGlan Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd.) in July 1988. I was the Chairman and Managing Director (CMD). Worked as a Senior Project Engineer for an international construction company in the Middle East from 1997 to 99. We have a non-profit charitable organization, Save A Life Foundation (SAL). Authored 14 books and published. 12 books are available online. Travelled extensively in India and abroad. Have 195 videos on my YouTube channel. Also I have the following websites: www.onlineworld-glan.com; www.makedreamsintoreality.com and very active on social networks