Behind The Curtain Ebook
de Alan Moyle
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Each year hundreds of thousands of people head out to see shows at the Melbourne Comedy Festival. They line up, have their tickets checked, find their seats and make small talk. Then, the lights go down, the music starts and a performer steps to bring the funny for 50 minutes.
But where are the comedians as you are lining up? What are they doing to prepare and where do they go once they walk back through the curtain at the end of the show?
This book is a series of images of comedians preparing to go on stage, or just as they have come off in the spaces that have been provided for them. Including comedians such as Adam Hills, Sammy J, Tom Ballard, Tripod, Cal Wilson, and many more.
But where are the comedians as you are lining up? What are they doing to prepare and where do they go once they walk back through the curtain at the end of the show?
This book is a series of images of comedians preparing to go on stage, or just as they have come off in the spaces that have been provided for them. Including comedians such as Adam Hills, Sammy J, Tom Ballard, Tripod, Cal Wilson, and many more.
Características y detalles
- Categoría principal: Libros de arte y fotografía
- Versión ebook de composición fija, 42 págs.
- Fecha de publicación: oct. 24, 2013
- Última modificación abr. 07, 2019
- Idioma English
- Palabras clave moyle, alan, australia, festival, comedy, reportage, documentry, melbourne, photography
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Acerca del creador
Alan Moyle
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
As a photographer I believe personal projects are the key to staying creative and pushing your skills. The books I publish are ones that are self directed. When not photographing I get to play with my daughter, love my wife and enjoy my life. Thanks for checking out my profile. Many more books to come