Paris Ebook
iPhone instawalk
de Melanie Rijkers
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First Eyespiration photo walk in Paris, France was with my sister, trying out our iPhone apps and enjoying the beauty of this city. How wandering through a city calms the mind. Photo therapy in a mindful way, when are you taking a walk?
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Eyespiration by Artstudio23
Melanie E. Rijkers [1971] is a Life Coach and Visual Consultant. She doesn't 'take' a photo, but SEES it. Storytelling and traveling to events are her favorite. Please join one of her Miksang Contemplative Photography Workhops or Bali Retreats. Melanie's married to photographer Hans van Nunen [1967], they both live and work in Breda. Artstudio23, Backer & Rueb building unit 006, Speelhuislaan 173, Breda, the Netherlands.