Pierrot Lunaire Op. 21 Ebook
October 2010
de Jeff LeFever
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US $62.20
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From the collaborative reimagined Pierrot Lunaire, Op 21 performance by conductor Ben Makino and visual artist Jeff LeFever comes this show book that includes the poems by Belgian symbolist Albert Giraud that Arnold Schönberg used as inspiration for his Opus 21—each poem has a single image highlight from the Makino/LeFever performance.
Características y detalles
- Categoría principal: Libros de arte y fotografía
- Categorías adicionales Fotografía artística, Catálogos
- Versión ebook de composición fija, 60 págs.
- Fecha de publicación: jun. 09, 2012
- Última modificación mar. 06, 2022
- Idioma English
- Palabras clave contemporary, art, opera, theater, Pierrot
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Acerca del creador
Illustration and fine art painting since 1978, photographic digital capture since 2003