How The Cow Went Over The Moon and Tiny Notes To The Sun Ebook
a wordless fable and a wordless poem
de sue clancy
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A cow goes around the moon in a self-produced bubble of gas and somehow comes back to Earth in this wordless fable.
Also, a farsighted bird forgets the morning sun song and in this wordless poem finds a way to read sheet music and welcome the day.
It could be said that this book fits in to the educational literary genre of "mirrors for princes" with its sage advice to not take bubbles of gas very seriously along with its suggestion to learn to sing, or at least read sheet music and pretend to sing outdoors now and then.
There aren't many words in this book. It's mostly artwork. So, who knows if this is advice literature after all, it's probably just meant to be funny.
Also, a farsighted bird forgets the morning sun song and in this wordless poem finds a way to read sheet music and welcome the day.
It could be said that this book fits in to the educational literary genre of "mirrors for princes" with its sage advice to not take bubbles of gas very seriously along with its suggestion to learn to sing, or at least read sheet music and pretend to sing outdoors now and then.
There aren't many words in this book. It's mostly artwork. So, who knows if this is advice literature after all, it's probably just meant to be funny.
Características y detalles
- Categoría principal: Cuentos de hadas
- Categorías adicionales Cómic y novela gráfica, Libros para niños
- Versión ebook de composición fija, 28 págs.
- Fecha de publicación: ene. 13, 2022
- Última modificación mar. 01, 2022
- Idioma English
- Palabras clave children, wordless book, poem, fable, fairy tales
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Acerca del creador
sue clancy
vancouver wa
Sue Clancy is a fine artist who tells stories visually. She is represented by multiple art galleries and has artwork in pubic and private collections. You can see more about her life and work at