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de Kip Bryant
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From simple things rarely are through the waiting is the life we lead to the always in which we all travel, I share journal writings from a brief three year period of my life (mostly). For the people who know me, perhaps I will be less of a mystery and for those who don’t; I hope my travel stories, observations, and imagery will raise questions other than “why.” To write is to remember and that is enough for me.
Características y detalles
- Categoría principal: Biografías y memorias
- Versión ebook de composición fija, 182 págs.
- Fecha de publicación: jul. 23, 2020
- Última modificación jul. 24, 2020
- Idioma English
- Palabras clave art, poetry, philosophy, memoir
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Acerca del creador
Kip Bryant
San Jose, CA
UC Berkeley BA in Art (1973) C.C.A.C. MFA in painting/drawing (1976) Retired from a 35 year career in information technology