
Stanley Trujillo

Florence, Oregon
Acerca de

I was born in Salt Lake City, Utah in 1960.
I had taken photography and art classes in Jr. high,
My teacher challenged me by giving me difficult things to draw and photograph.
He always told me "you have the eye".
I went on to take advanced art classes in high school.

I had fun with photography throughout my life but never really got into doing art with it until the year of 2003.

The 'digital age' made art more appealing to me,
I found the medium for my expressions and
turned into the art you see today.

Most of my art concepts come directly from my dreams.
I will have dreams about certain images over and over, until I get them created.
The images of the dream gets added to image by image.
Each artwork are linked to each other to from my dream story.

I hope you enjoy the artwork.

Best Regards,
Stan T.

Libros por Stanley Trujillo

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