inside out
de Ahmad Sakhavarz
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Características y detalles
- Categoría principal: Viñetas
- Categorías adicionales Bellas artes
Características: Cuadrado grande, 30×30 cm
N.º de páginas: 56 - Fecha de publicación: ene. 14, 2014
- Idioma English
Acerca del creador
About Alan Sakhavarz Born in Iran, Alan Sakhavarz is a self-taught multi-disciplinary artist. Before moving to Canada in 1980.he worked as an award wining political cartoonist, illustrator and journalist in his home country. 1979 revolution in Iran forced him and his family to move to Canada. Sakhavarz’s paintings, drawings and sculptures are vehicles which he weaves his imagination and feelings into different yet subtly connected art forms. The common thread throughout his diverse recreations is his quest for understanding the human condition and its struggle to live in this complicated world. At times these thoughts are reflected in satirical narratives in cartoons and sometimes they manifest in lyrical manipulation of human form in his sculptures. The traces of a cartoonist’s way of thinking are clearly visible in his sculptures and shows the underlying connection between the two art forms.